The Moon Altar Bowl is a one-of-a kind tool that will make your moon rituals more powerful and purposeful. It is used to contain your Seven Chakra DTs and Pendulums. This beautifully crafted bowl features an intricate design made from the shape of our Moon Crystal Tarot logo, which was hand carved out by the artists of Indonesia using white cedar wood for the purpose of retaining your crystals charged energies.
Seven Chakra DTs
DTs (Double Terminated points) are key tools in harnessing the energies for your healing. They allow you to circulate energies through the entry and exit pointed ends of the crystal, making it easier for you to adsorb them! These six sided faceted crystals sold at Reiann Riviera have been made smaller so they fit into tighter spaces within smaller crystal grids; the equal sides also increases their accuracy when transferring energy too - which means better healing results overall for your meditation!
The faceted ends of the DTs are also inspired by the wisdom of Dr. Marcel Vogel's (creator of Vogels) calculation, with an internal angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 51 seconds. The same angle as the sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
A Consultation with Reiann will help you to create a custom set of Seven Chakra DTs that are specifically tailored for your healing journey. These seven crystals should be rotated alongside other crystal DTs on every monthly New Moon and Full Moon ritual, in order to optimize the influences on your healing as it plays its part throughout this process.