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November 15, 2021
An element that takes up 71% of the Earth's surface, more than 60% in a human's body and our blood of which 90% is made up of water is the most essential element to sustaining life. It is also an element used for spiritual cleansing for many centuries! Not just in Witchcraft but in other religions like Christianity, Catholicism, Taoism and Sikhism (commonly against evil).
The water used in Witchcraft rituals are NOT filtered water that runs from your tap. Water from our tap carries purified water from anywhere (e.g. ground, rivers, reservoirs, rain, sea) through various physical/ chemical/ biological processes that removes minerals contained. In spiritual work we can not use purified water because the good minerals are removed from it's natural environment, passing through different polluted channels and chemical treatment to become drinkable. What many people do not know is that water also carries memories with them, making the quality of water used for cleansing important for our well being. Hence only pure spring water can be used in cleansing, uninterrupted by processes and pollution which is what we use in Moon Crystal Tarot's Positivity Sprays.
The carefully selected spring water is then complimented with Moon rituals to provide relevant energies of different moon phases to help overcome your different struggles. Not charging your Crystals¹ on Lunar Eclipses or Solar Eclipses does not help you to avoid calamities either! We can't escape or change what is decided by nature. Eclipse change will still come into your life with or without your crystals help! What you should do is embrace those energies and make them your own. By avoiding nature's course, it is as if putting the blame on nature yet this is nature by design.
For your easy references:
New Moon - Beginning, Focus, Adjustment, Planning, Journal
First Quarter - Action, Empowerment, Challenge, Break Patterns, Decisions
Full Moon - Tension, Transformation, Success, Manifestation, Clarity, Gratitude
Last Quarter - Balance, Control, Set Boundaries, Forgiveness, Acceptance
Balsamic Moon - Peace, Recharge, Rest, Surrender, Self Care
Dark Moon - Ending, Banishment, Release, Cleansing, Introspection
Next to working with water and moon is wood, it is the one thing that shares a common scientific bond with crystals. Not many people talk about this but storing your crystals in wood (e.g. packaging/ paper/ furniture) helps retain it's energies better. They are both piezoelectric materials with a crystalline structure that does not have a symmetry center. What this means? It allows them to be used in clocks and loudspeakers where frequency of the energy produced is well controlled. Yes, you heard me. Quartz crystals are used in clocks!
With proper cleansing, charging and retaining materials, next comes activation. Sound waves is very important in activation because it helps agitate the molecules in crystals to generate heat and electrical energy. This is when some of your friends who are Clairsentient can get to experience these energies, like a numbing sensation in your hands or an electrical surge going up your arms. It is a rare gift and talent that some are fortunate to sense in their spiritual healing journey. *Sending love to all my Clairsentients out there* Activation taps onto the final step of preparing a crystal's energy for your usage. It is like calibrating a crystal to suit your needs hence using the right type of sound from your singing bowl can help balance a certain chakra within you.
Crystals¹ - They are not your Stones or Metals. Stones are Moonstone, Green Aventurine, Jade, Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, Shungite, Sodalite, Obsidian and Fluorite. Metals are Pyrite, Bismuth, Hematite and Galena. Crystals to name a few are Clear/ Rose/ Smoky/ Lemon Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian and Selenite/ Satin Spar.
February 19, 2021
You may use Positivity Sprays to...
- Cleanse negative energies from people who have direct contact with your crystals and recharge them back to full energetic strength again.
- Bring it out with you to Cleanse and Charge crystals on anytime of the day. It is perfectly fine not to perform them on Full Moon day since the Positivity Spray already embodies the energies of the Full Moon.
- Cleanse the energies within your space to invite positive vibrations for your Meditation practice.
Positivity Sprays are a quick fix and life savior whenever you are met with any sort of negativity. Sometimes it may even proof to be more useful than having crystals with you as crystal energies deteriorate overtime.
These homebrewed Positivity Sprays are prepared on every Full Moon only to ensure the energies used to Cleanse and Charge your crystals are during it's highest point of invoking transformation into your life.
However if given a unique situation to overcome specific personal struggles, it is recommended to get the Custom Positivity Spray. Please understand that the Custom Positivity Spray option is open for my Tarot Reading clients only.
These Positivity Sprays are also invoked with different spell purposes to help assist you in different areas. A total of 8 different types namely Allure, Protection, Prosperity, Focus, Love, Clarity, Communication and Opportunities. If you are unsure of what to get, please refer to our Instagram Numerology Readings on every New Moon for a suitable Positivity Spray.
Kindly use your Positivity Sprays generously to overcome your stresses, especially on days when it is harder for you to get by. It is also very important to complete your bottle of Positivity Spray before the next Full Moon as the current Full Moon energies within will help you to benefit and atune your energies better for that specific month.
On difficult months, it is highly recommended to complete 2 bottles of Positivity Sprays instead of just 1. We all struggle with different levels of challenges and therefore more dosage may be needed for your situation. If you should find that there is still aplenty left before the next Full Moon, you can use them in your bath/shower to complete the dosage or spray it on every corner of your home to perform cleansing of negative energies.
I hope with this simple explanation on Positivity Sprays, you will find this to be a useful tool for your daily troubles of cleansing and charging. May this bring Hope and Joy into your crystal healing journey!
January 29, 2021
Using the Crystals/Stones Pendulum is a receiver and transmitter tool used for several purposes in divination. Some have used it for Cleansing, Healing or even Navigating a lost object.
Personally, I use it to for 2 purposes. 1 for communicating with my Human Spirit Guides, Spirit Animal and Animal Totems. 2 is for sensing the energies of my Crystals/Stones and checking up on my Chakra imbalances.
The Pendulum works extremely well for people who are intuitive or sensitive to energies. But even if you are not, the fear of not trusting your Pendulum can be conquered through lots of practice and patience.
In a scientific point of view, the movements are manipulated by the thoughts of your mind in conjunction with your eye to finger reactions. Depending on what you think the answers should be, you can potentially change the movements you feel more attuned to. Try it!
Today we will learn how to use the Crystals/Stones Pendulum as a communication tool for your Human Spirit Guides, Spirit Animal and Animal Totems.
If you are not sensitive to energies, it is suggested to use the Pendulum with your eyes closed. It can help remove eye to finger reactions that may alter the movement of your pendulum swings. It also helps to empty your mind after you ask a specific question, with the focused intent of keeping your hand still.
PLEASE DO NOT test your pendulum by asking questions you already know the answers to.
The beauty of working with the Crystals/Stones Pendulum is to trust that there is an entity within that can potentially give you answers that you seek. It also helps to build on your intuition and allow your free and open mind to receive messages from them.
Lastly, ALWAYS keep yourself energized and healthy when using the pendulum. You need to remain clear minded, unaffected by your emotions when asking these questions. Take a rest if you find that your Pendulum is acting strangely. Find a quiet spot in your space, uninterrupted by influences around you to put your focus on your Pendulum and your question.
P.S: I use my Pendulum in public toilets pretty often! haha
With that, I end this little writeup and I hope this has opened many doorways of communicating with your Human Spirit Guides, Spirit Animal and Animal Totems! REMEMBER your hand should not be moving the pendulum!!! xoxo
January 28, 2021
The majestic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains is a spiritual site for meditation and prayers, mainly visited by Tibetan Buddhist monks/nuns who live there and study Buddhist scriptures daily. People who travel to the Himalayas was said to be overwhelmed by it's enormous scale, putting you in perspective of how small your troubles truly are.
In Yoga, Samadhi is considered to be the state in which an individual and the universal consciousness unite. The word Samadhi comes from the words “Sama” meaning Equanimity and “dhi” meaning Buddhi or the Intellect. It is a blissful and calm state of mind, releasing the self from ego, undisturbed by emotions such as desire or anger. Thereby making the Himalayan Mountains a favourite meditation retreat to many Yoga practitioners for a life changing experience on personal growth and self actualization. The Pink Samadhi Himalayan Quartz is then believed to have adsorbed the strong energies of Samadhi within these mountains.
To use Pink Samadhi Himalayan Quartz, you can place it in a workplace or meeting room to help soften the stresses in a fast paced or disruptive environment. They are also relationship crystals, in support of love and passion between partners. Other relationships like family and friendship can also benefit greatly in promoting good communication and understanding. For practitioners, the Pink Samadhi Himalayan Quartz can also cultivate strong connections with Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Animal Totems. The Green Chlorite Himalayan Quartz is also a powerful crystal that connects you to the healing Earth energies of the Himalayan Mountains. It helps to remove unwanted emotional energies, by purifying and detoxifying your Aura and Chakra. Thus giving you positive energies to resolve issues of the heart and remove any resistance that will allow one to Acknowledge, Forgive, Release, and Move Forward.